Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Tokyo Afterschool Summoners]] character.
Designed by [[BomBom]]

A notorious Tokyo ruffian who swings around a big and heavy Polearm Sacred Artifact. He was taken in by a temple when he was abandoned as a child and believes that violence validates his existence, so he goes around hunting other players along with their powers.

h6. Typical tags:
* Appearance: [[bara]], [[muscular male]], [[mature male]], [[short hair]] ([[brown hair|brown]]/[[black hair|black]]), [[stubble]], [[long sideburns]], [[scar on forehead]], [[cross scar]]
* Clothes: [[kimono]], [[open kimono]], [[hooded jacket]], [[hood up]], [[open jacket]], [[geta]]
* Accessories: [[prayer beads]] (+ [[tassel]]), [[naginata]]

h4. External links

* "Housamo Wiki: Oniwaka":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54