Wiki History Listing

V1 The first rule of basic gun handling safety.

[[holding gun|Holding a gun]] while keeping one's finger away from the trigger. The opposite of [[finger on trigger]].

Characters doing so will usually have their trigger finger resting on the trigger guard or body of the [[gun|firearm]], so as to avoid an accidental trigger pull.

This tag does [i]not[/i] apply when:

* The character has their [[finger on trigger|finger on the trigger]] on inside the trigger guard.
* the character is [[holding gun|holding the gun]] by someplace other than the main grip (e.g. by the barrel or carry handle)

It is possible for someone [[dual wielding]] to practice trigger discipline with one hand and not the other, e.g. post #1188474.

h4. See also

* [[finger on trigger]]
* [[holding gun]]
* [[military operator]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54