Wiki History Listing

V1 A [[genderswap]]ped version of the daimyo Imagawa Yoshimoto, from [i][[Oda Nobuna no Yabou]][/i], voiced by [[Noto Mamiko]].

The real life Yoshimoto was among the ruling daimyo of the Tokaido area of Japan and the young [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]] (in the series as [[Matsudaira Motoyasu]]) was a political hostage in his court to keep the peace between the two clans. In 1560, his attempted march to Kyoto to seize the Ashikaga political apparatus ended in disaster when he was killed by [[Oda Nobunaga]] (in the series as [[Oda Nobuna]]) in Okehazama on 12 June 1560.

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: Yoshimoto Imagawa":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55