Wiki History Listing

V2 For use on posts where the artist commentary is understandable by the average English speaker. This can be because it was translated by a Danbooru user into English from another language, the original commentary was already in [[English commentary|English]], or the commentary consists of [[symbol-only commentary|symbols]] or something similar.

Do not use this tag with [[mixed-language commentary]] unless [i]all[/i] non-English languages present have been translated.

For [i]untranslated[/i] artist commentary, use [[commentary request]] instead, plus the corresponding "[language]_commentary":/wiki_pages?search%5Btitle_normalize%5D=*_commentary&redirect=true tag if not Japanese.

If the only untranslated portions of a commentary are meta, such as hashtags or mentions, then tag it with [b]commentary[/b] and not [b]partial commentary[/b] or [b]commentary request[/b].

[b]"Commentary" is generally not a valid tag on Rule34. Due to lacking a post commentary system, all commentary tags are redundant by default and only exist due to being copied over from Danbooru.[/b]

Tag name:
Tag description (wiki-page):
[tn][nodtext]For [[commentary]] written in [[example_text|Example]].[/nodtext][/tn]
See also [[howto:tag]] for create [b]Meta[/b] tags.


h4. See also

* [[help:artist_commentary]]
* [[mixed-language commentary]]
* Translation type:
** [[commentary request]]
*** [[partial_commentary]]
*** [[check commentary]]
* Commentary type:
** [[dated_commentary]]
** [[commentary_typo]]
** [[completion_time]]
** [[making-of_available]]
** [[morse code commentary]]
** [[symbol-only commentary]]
*** [[twitter sparkles]]
** [[repost_notice]]
* [[cyrillic commentary]] [tn]not recommended[/tn]
* [[mujun-gatamari (meme)|]]
Updated by Irrixiatdowne Fri, Sep 23 '22, 20:15
V1 For use on posts where the artist commentary is understandable by the average English speaker. This can be because it was translated by a Danbooru user into English from another language, the original commentary was already in [[English commentary|English]], or the commentary consists of [[symbol-only commentary|symbols]] or something similar.

Do not use this tag with [[mixed-language commentary]] unless [i]all[/i] non-English languages present have been translated.

For [i]untranslated[/i] artist commentary, use [[commentary request]] instead, plus the corresponding "[language]_commentary":/wiki_pages?search%5Btitle_normalize%5D=*_commentary&redirect=true tag if not Japanese.

If the only untranslated portions of a commentary are meta, such as hashtags or mentions, then tag it with [b]commentary[/b] and not [b]partial commentary[/b] or [b]commentary request[/b].

h4.Commentary Languages

"Japanese commentary" is not a tag on Danbooru. Due to the extremely high frequency of posts by the Japanese language community, the language is treated as a default, with only exceptions being tagged: there are tags for various language commentaries that artists use other than Japanese, such as:

* [[Arabic commentary]]
* [[Chinese commentary]]
* [[Danish commentary]]
* [[English commentary]] (No translation required)
** [[Engrish commentary]] (May or may not require "translation")
* [[Esperanto commentary]]
* [[Finnish commentary]]
* [[French commentary]]
* [[German commentary]]
* [[Greek commentary]]
* [[Hungarian commentary]]
* [[Indonesian commentary]]
* [[Italian commentary]]
* [[Latin commentary]]
* [[Korean commentary]]
* [[Malay commentary]]
* [[Mojibake commentary]]
* [[Polish commentary]]
* [[Portuguese commentary]]
* [[Romaji commentary]]
* [[Russian commentary]]
* [[R'lyehian commentary]]
* [[Serbo-Croatian commentary]]
* [[Spanish commentary]]
* [[Swedish commentary]]
* [[Thai commentary]]
* [[Turkish commentary]]
* [[Ukrainian commentary]]
* [[Vietnamese commentary]]

[expand=More tags]
Try find "other tags":/tags?commit=Search&search%5Bhide_empty%5D=yes&search%5Bname_or_alias_matches%5D=%2A_commentary&search%5Border%5D=name. Perhaps tag already exists.

For comments in languages with a missing tag, it is recommended to create a tag similar to existing ones, based on the [[tag group:text|text tags]] of the languages.
Tag name:
Tag description (wiki-page):
[tn][nodtext]For [[commentary]] written in [[example_text|Example]].[/nodtext][/tn]
See also [[howto:tag]] for create [b]Meta[/b] tags.


h4. See also

* [[help:artist_commentary]]
* [[mixed-language commentary]]
* Translation type:
** [[commentary request]]
*** [[partial_commentary]]
*** [[check commentary]]
* Commentary type:
** [[dated_commentary]]
** [[commentary_typo]]
** [[completion_time]]
** [[making-of_available]]
** [[morse code commentary]]
** [[symbol-only commentary]]
*** [[twitter sparkles]]
** [[repost_notice]]
* [[cyrillic commentary]] [tn]not recommended[/tn]
* [[mujun-gatamari (meme)|]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55