Wiki History Listing

V1 A team sport played between two teams of eleven players using a [[soccer ball]]. The object of the game is to score by driving the [[ball]] into the opposing goal.

Soccer is formally called "Association football", but is more commonly known as "football" in most countries outside of the United States, Canada, and Australia.

h4. [[World Cup]]

* [[1986 FIFA World Cup]]
* [[2002 FIFA World Cup]]
* [[2006 FIFA World Cup]]
* [[2010 FIFA World Cup]]
* [[2011 FIFA Women's World Cup]]
* [[2014 FIFA World Cup]]
* [[2015 FIFA Women's World Cup]]
* [[2018 FIFA World Cup]]
* [[FIFA World Cup Trophy]]

h4. See also

* [[American football]]
* [[Soccer ball]]
* [[Soccer field]]
* [[Soccer uniform]]
* [[Playing sports]]
* [[Tag Group:Sports]]

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Association Football":
* "Wikipedia: Football":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55