Wiki History Listing

V1 A term refers to criminal organizations that bear a strong similarity to the Sicilian Mafia, who have their own code of ethics and are known to cherish the camaraderie and bond among themselves as a "family". Mafia is typically depicted as a more sophisticated version of [[gangster]] with [[formal]] dress code (expecting a lot of [[black suit]], [[black dress]] and [[fedora]]), classy [[alcohol]] like [[wine]] or [[whiskey]], and [[smoking]]. Members’ favorite weapon are usually, though not limited to, [[handgun]] or [[submachine gun]].

Not every image with a character who is a mafia in it qualifies for this tag. The character should look and act like how you imagine a mafia member would be - being intimidating, [[holding weapon]] or committing crimes are easier signs to spot.

h4. See also

* [[gangster]]
* [[yakuza]]
* "Wikipedia Entry":[] (External Link)
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54