Wiki History Listing

V1 A TV series that is part of the [[My Little Pony]] franchise, mainly focusing on friendship and giving the ponies distinct personalities. It was designed to appeal to a broader audience by avoiding the usual trends of shows intended for children and girls, and occasionally has jokes that younger viewers would not understand. Because of this, the show has gained a large fanbase of teenagers and adults, and the crew of the show sometimes inserts jokes or references to these fans.


* [[Angel (My Little Pony)|Angel]]
* [[Apple Bloom]]
* [[Applejack]]
* [[Big Macintosh]]
* [[BonBon (My Little Pony)|BonBon]]
* [[Celestia (My Little Pony)|Celestia]]
* [[Derpy Hooves]]
* [[Diamond Tiara]]
* [[Discord (My Little Pony)|Discord]]
* [[Fluttershy]]
* [[Luna (My Little Pony)|Luna]]
* [[Lyra Heartstrings]]
* [[Nightmare Moon]]
* [[Octavia Melody]]
* [[Pinkie Pie]]
* [[Princess Mi Amore Cadenza]] (Cadence)
* [[Queen Chrysalis]]
* [[Rainbow Dash]]
* [[Rarity]]
* [[Shining Armor]]
* [[Silver Spoon]]
* [[Spike (My Little Pony)|Spike]]
* [[Trixie Lulamoon|Trixie Lulamoon]]
* [[Twilight Sparkle]]

h4.See also

* [[cutie mark]]
* [[My Little Pony]]

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54