Wiki History Listing

V1 Any non-English text (usually Japanese, Chinese, or Korean) within an image that needs a translation into English. [[Audible speech]] that is not in English and does not have hardcoded English subtitles in the video may use this tag. Do not use this tag for untranslated [[help:artist commentary|artist commentaries]], see [[commentary request]] instead.

[b]Please read [[howto:translate]] for guidelines on translation[/b]. When the post is fully translated, remove the [[translation request]] tag and add [[translated]]. If the translation is incomplete or needs review, leave the [[translation request]] tag and add the [[partially translated]] or [[check translation]] tags.

For text that is very difficult to translate due to visual or language difficulties, consider also adding it to pool #11363: Translation Request - LUNATIC Mode.

When the untranslated text is not Japanese, additionally tag it with the appropriate language.

h4. Languages ([[tag group:text]])

* [[Chinese text]] — {{chinese_text translation_request}}
* [[Korean text]] — {{korean_text translation_request}}
* [[Finnish text]] — {{finnish_text translation_request}}
* [[French text]] — {{french_text translation_request}}
* [[German text]] — {{german_text translation_request}}
* [[Greek text]] — {{greek_text translation_request}}
* [[Italian text]] — {{italian_text translation_request}}
* [[Latin text]] — {{latin_text translation_request}}
* [[Portuguese text]] — {{portuguese_text translation_request}}
* [[Russian text]] — {{russian_text translation_request}}
* [[Spanish text]] — {{spanish_text translation_request}}
* [[Vietnamese text]] — {{vietnamese_text translation_request}}

h4. Related tags

* [[check translation]]
* [[hard translated]]
* [[partially translated]]
* [[poorly translated]]
* [[translated]]
* translation request

h4. See also

* [[commentary request]]
* [[about:note formatting]]
* [[help:notes]]
* [[howto:translate]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55