Wiki History Listing

V1 The so-called [b]Alien[/b] in the [[alien_(movie)|Alien movies]]. In some references it is more specifically designated as "Xenomorph XX121".

Taxonomy name: [i]Linguafoeda Acheronsis[/i] ("foul tongue from Acheron") or [i]Internecivus raptus[/i] ("murderous thief").

This highly agressive and lethal [[alien]] [[monster]] was designed by Swiss surrealist artist [[h.r._giger|Hans Rudolf "Ruedi" Giger]] in the late [[1970s_(style)|70s]].


* [[Alien (movie)|]]
* [[Aliens]]
* [[Alien vs. Predator]]

h4.See also

* [[Facehugger]]
* [[Facehugger-Tan]]
* [[Chestburster]]
* [[Prometheus (movie)|]]
* [[Proto-Xenomorph]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54