Wiki History Listing
V2 |
When a character is pushing an [[egg]] out of an orifice, regardless of which orifice it is. Not to be confused with [[egg_implantation]]/[[oviposition]], in which a creature is laying eggs inside another creature's orifice. [[egg_implantation]] and [[oviposition]] are a type of egg_laying, but egg_laying is not automatically [egg_implantation]]/[[oviposition]]. h4. Related: * [[anal_egg_laying]] * [[urethral_egg_laying]] * [[vaginal_egg_laying]] Updated by v491557 Thu, Mar 07 '24, 04:08 |
V1 |
When a human or humanoid character (usually female) is pushing an [[object_insertion|object]] out of an orifice, whether it's the [[vaginal_object_insertion|vagina]] or the [[anal_object_insertion|anus]]. May or may not necessarily be literal [[egg|eggs]]. Not to be confused with [[egg implantation]], in which a creature (usually a monster) is laying eggs into a person's orifice. h4.See also * [[Tag Group:Food Tags]] Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55 |