Wiki History Listing

V1 Tag used when one or more characters in a post are in the process of the act of wrestling, or obviously just about to be (ie. in a wrestling ring together in wrestling attire, etc.) This includes all types of wrestling and need not refer to the actual sport taking place.

h4. Wrestling moves

h6. Attacks

* [[619]]
* [[clotheslining]]
* [[drop kick]]
* [[elbow drop]]
* [[lariat]]
** [[rainmaker (wrestling)|]]
* [[moonsault]]
* [[shining wizard]]

h6. Throws

* [[backbreaker]]
* [[burning hammer]]
* [[ddt (wrestling)|]]
** [[brainbuster]]
** [[death rider (wrestling)|]]
* [[f5 (wrestling)|]]
* [[fireman's carry]]
* [[frankensteiner]]
* [[piledriver (wrestling)|]]
** [[canadian destroyer]]
* [[powerbomb]]
* [[stunner]]
* [[kinniku buster]]
* [[pedigree]]
* [[rko (wrestling)|]]
* [[suplex]]
** [[fisherman suplex]]
** [[german suplex]]

h6. Holds

* [[abdominal stretch]] / [[cobra twist]]
* [[anaconda vice]]
* [[ankle lock]]
* [[arm triangle choke]]
* [[armbar]]
** [[dis-arm-her]]
** [[fujiwara armbar]]
* [[armlock]]
** [[kimura lock]]
** [[omoplata]]
* [[bearhug]]
* [[boston crab]]
** [[walls of jericho]] / [[lion tamer]]
* [[calf slicer]]
* [[camel clutch]]
* [[crippler crossface]]
* [[crossface chickenwing]]
* [[dragon sleeper]]
* [[figure four leglock]]
* [[full nelson]]
* [[gogoplata]]
* [[guillotine choke]]
* [[headlock]]
* [[octopus hold]]
* [[pinned]]
* [[scorpion deathlock]]
* [[sleeper hold]]
** [[rear naked choke]]
* [[surfboard (wrestling)|]]
* [[stf]] (stepover toehold facelock)
* [[texas cloverleaf]]
* [[triangle choke]]

h4. Wrestling organizations (promotions)

* [[All Japan Pro Wrestling]]
* [[Impact Wrestling]]
* [[New Japan Pro Wrestling]]
* [[Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling]]
* [[World Wonder Ring Stardom]]
* [[WWE]]

h4. See also

* [[wrestling outfit]]
* [[singlet]]
* [[wrestling ring]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54