Wiki History Listing

V1 Main character from [[Guilty Gear]] and a rival of [[Ky Kiske]]. He is also known as "The Immoral Flame". He is an aloof bounty hunter who is overly blunt and easily annoyed. However, deep down in heart, he is not a bad person. He is a fan of the rock band [[Queen (band)|]] and enjoys listening to their music, which inspired the series' hard rock and heavy metal soundtrack.

He is, in fact, [spoiler][[Dizzy (Guilty Gear)|]]'s father conceived with [[Justice (Guilty Gear)|]], which makes him Ky's father-in-law and [[Sin Kiske]]'s grandfather. Neither Sol nor Ky took this revelation well once they realized it.[/spoiler]

h6. Costumes:
* [[order-sol]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55