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Artwork that contains organized information for easy reading, identification, and compare/contrast. On Danbooru this usually takes the form of a tabular set of panels (e.g. [[expression chart]]), or a line of subjects to be compared visually (e.g. [[height chart]]) Not equivalent to a [[diagram]], which points out or explains the details of something instead of comparing multiple things. For the purposes of Danbooru for numeric data visualized in a spatial manner (e.g. a line chart, scatter plot, [[bar chart]], or [[pie chart]]), instead use [[graph]]. h4. Related tags * [[alphabet]] * [[bust chart]] * [[character chart]] * [[coloring practice]] * [[costume chart]] * [[expression chart]] * [[height chart]] * [[kiss chart]] * [[move chart]] * [[seating chart]] * [[weapon focus]] h4. See also * [[diagram]] * [[information sheet]] * [[graph]] * [[stats]] h4. Memes * pool #622 (Hairstyles of My Wonderful Wife) * pool #705 (Various Blushing Faces) * Pool #719 (Practice Slightly Naughty Expressions) * pool #739 (Different Styles) * pool #914 (Kiss Charts) * pool #965 (Facial Expressions Training) * pool #1400 (Being Called an Idiot by Your Wife) * pool #1432 (Flirting 10 Image-response) * pool #2077 (Expressions and Speeches after Declaration of Love) * pool #2210 (Flirting as a Couple) * pool #2398 (Practice Hurt Expressions of your Wife) * pool #2609 (One Year Artist Progress Record) * pool #4971 (Practice expressions of your wife being loved) * pool #6354 (The Faces of Your Wife Having to Pee) * pool #6522 (Expressions When Using Twitter) * pool #6858 (Conjugating the Six Stages of RAGE) * pool #7097 (Touhou - Dual personalities (hammer (sunset beach))) * pool #7592 (Affection Level (hammer (sunset beach))) * pool #7833 (The Process of Affection Level Upgrades) * pool #8514 (Purposeful But Cute! My Wife's Actions) * pool #9277 (Touhou Situation Attribute Series (Mikazuki Neko)) * Pool #11863 (Masara ruler measurement) * pool #12142 (Yuki Arare's Valentine Before and After) h4. See also * [[Comparison]] * pool #5942 (Pointing Out the Details) * [[Tag Group:Image Composition]] Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55 |