Wiki History Listing

V3 Seeing inside or through a normally opaque barrier, as if by x-ray vision. Examples: skin, bone, armor, metal containers, concrete walls...

Typically rendered as a partially transparent overlay, or a cut-out. The internal and external views should always be overlapping. Rule of thumb: It's [[x-ray]] if Superman could see it with x-ray vision.

Use [[x-ray film]] for the images taken with actual x-ray devices (or any medical device that takes cross-section images).

h4. Disambiguation

* [[Wet]], sheer, or clear clothing only qualifies as [[see-through]] because it has natural transparency.
* A cut-out internal view separated from the main image only qualifies as [[cross-section]] because it doesn't show the external barrier.
* [[Slime girl]] is a class by itself.

h4. See also

* [[cross-section]]
* [[internal cumshot]]
* [[invisible]] (for completely invisible people)
** [[invisible man]] (for hentai)
* [[revealing layer]]
* [[reverse x-ray]]
* [[transparent]]
* [[x-ray glasses]]
** [[x-ray vision]]
Updated by viridixxx Thu, Nov 02 '23, 06:09
Updated by viridixxx Thu, Nov 02 '23, 06:07
V1 Seeing inside or through a normally opaque barrier, as if by x-ray vision. Examples: skin, bone, armor, metal containers, concrete walls...

Typically rendered as a partially transparent overlay, or a cut-out. The internal and external views should always be overlapping. Rule of thumb: It's [[x-ray]] if Superman could see it with x-ray vision.

Use [[x-ray film]] for the images taken with actual x-ray devices (or any medical device that takes cross-section images).

h4. Disambiguation

* [[Wet]], sheer, or clear clothing only qualifies as [[see-through]] because it has natural transparency.
* A cut-out internal view separated from the main image only qualifies as [[cross-section]] because it doesn't show the external barrier.
* [[Slime girl]] is a class by itself.

h4. See also

* [[cross-section]]
* [[internal cumshot]]
* [[invisible]] (for completely invisible people)
** [[invisible man]] (for hentai)
* [[revealing layer]]
* [[reverse x-ray]]
* [[transparent]]
* [[x-ray glasses]]
** [[x-ray vision]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55