Wiki History Listing

V1 [tn]Company's short Hanji name: 铁血工造 / 鐵血工造 / 鉄血工造 ([i]Tiexue GongZao[/i])
Company's full Hanji name: 铁血工业製造公司 / 鐵血工業製造公司 ([i]Tiexue Gongye Zhizao Gongsi[/i], "IronBlood Industrial Manufacturing Inc.")
English name: SANGVIS FERRI (probably from Latin [i]"Sanguis":[] "Ferri":[][/i])
Often simply called "铁血 / 鐵血 / 鉄血" ([i]Tiexue[/i], "Iron Blood").[/tn]

The first, original antagonistic party of [[Girls' Frontline]]. Founded approximately in 2051, Sangvis Ferri was the leading company in doll technology before, during a military intervention, a rogue artificial intelligence slaughtered the staff within its HQ and assumed administrative control of the dolls within. Become gradually acquirable from the Polarized Light event onward, via the "Protocol Assimilation":[] system, for vague story reasons.

Sangvis Ferri troops mostly consist of robotic walkers and drones, but are supplemented by a number of female [[android]]s, typically depicted with [[pale skin]], outlandish weapons and revealing clothes.

h5. Members

h6. Bosses

* [[Elisa (girls' frontline)|]], Mastermind, "the Center" / 伊莱莎["主脑"]
* [[Agent (girls' frontline)|]] / "代理人"
* [[Judge (girls' frontline)|]] / 法官
* [[Ouroboros (girls' frontline)|]] / 衔尾蛇
* [[Dreamer (girls' frontline)|]] / 梦想家
* [[Architect (girls' frontline)|]] / 建筑师
* [[Gager (girls' frontline)|]] / 计量官
* [[Destroyer (girls' frontline)|]] / 破坏者
** [[GAIA (girls' frontline)|]] / Elite破坏者[盖娅]
* [[Alchemist (girls' frontline)|]] / 炼金术士[鍊金術士]
* [[Intruder (girls' frontline)|]] / 干扰者
* [[Hunter (girls' frontline)|]] / 猎手[狩獵者]
* [[Executioner (girls' frontline)|]] / 刽子手[劊子手]
* [[Scarecrow (girls' frontline)|]] / 稻草人
* [[Beak (girls' frontline)|]] / 喙

h6. Forces and machinery

* [[Aegis (girls' frontline)|]] / 圣盾
* [[Nemeum (girls' frontline)|]] / 钢狮
* [[Tarantula (girls' frontline)|]] / 狼蛛
* [[Manticore (girls' frontline)|]] / 蝎甲兽
* [[Ripper (girls' frontline)|]] / 切割者
* [[Vespid (girls' frontline)|]] / 胡蜂
* [[Guard (girls' frontline)|]] / 护卫者
* [[Jaeger (girls' frontline)|]] / 猎鸥
* [[Striker (girls' frontline)|]] / 痛击者
* [[Brute (girls' frontline)|]] / 残兽
* [[Dragoon (girls' frontline)|]] / 龙骑兵
* [[Dinergate (girls' frontline)|]] / 兵蚁
** [[Cerberus (girls' frontline)|]] (Garm) / 末日魔犬
* [[Scout (girls' frontline)|]] / 侦察者
* [[Prowler (girls' frontline)|]] / 巡游者
* [[Jaguar (girls' frontline)|]] / 劫豹
* [[Goliath (girls' frontline)|]] / 歌利亚
* [[Jupiter Cannon (girls' frontline)|]] / 木星
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55