Wiki History Listing

V1 A comical depiction of crying or tears. Very similar to [[sweatdrop]]. This tag is not meant to specify when there's one tear versus when there's more than one. Usually there is never more than one on a character's face.

Basically, teardrop is used when the tear is drawn on for comedic purposes, rather than to actually represent happiness/sadness/pain/pleasure/etc. They usually have a specific color, rather than being transparent like real tears, and are usually connected directly to the eyes. A teardrop may also accompany [[yawning]].

Rule of thumb: if the character appears to be actually crying, or the teardrop is transparent, it is usually [i]not[/i] a teardrop. For all other instances of shedding tears that don't properly meet the requirements for teardrop, use [[tears]] instead.

For non-comedic pictures with a single teardrop, use [[single tear]].

h6. Examples of images with a teardrop:

* post #512078
* post #514305
* post #524707

h6. Examples of images that shouldn't be tagged with teardrop:

* post #514195
* post #509521
* post #104763

h4. See also:

* [[Tearing up]]
* [[Tears]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55