Wiki History Listing

V2 [b]Ranma ½[/b] (らんま½, Ranma Nibun-no-Ichi?, pronounced Ranma One-Half) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takahashi Rumiko and first published in 1987. It has an anime adaptation made in 1989. The story revolves around a 16-year old boy named Ranma Saotome who was trained from early childhood in martial arts. As a result of an accident during a training journey, he is cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water, but hot water will change him back into a boy.

Ranma ½ was extremely popular among American anime fans in the 1990s and popularized many of anime's most common visual gags. The infamous 'cursed springs' plot device has even come up in anime-themed custom role playing games as a quick transgender device.

Ranma ½ had a comedic formula and a gender-swapping main character, who often willfully changes into a girl to advance his goals. Ranma ½ also contains many other characters, whose intricate relationships with each other, unusual characteristics and eccentric personalities drive most of the stories. Although the characters and their relationships are complicated, they rarely change once the characters are firmly introduced and settled into the series.

[i]Taken from [b]Wikipedia[/b].[/i]

h4. Characters

* [[Ranma Saotome]] / [[Ranma-chan]]
** [[Genma Saotome]]
** [[Nodoka Saotome]]
* [[Akane Tendo]]
** [[Soun Tendou]]
** [[Nabiki Tendou]]
** [[Kasumi Tendou]]
*** [[Ono Tofu]]
* [[Ryoga Hbiki]] / [[P-chan]]
** [[Hibiki Yoiko]]
** [[Unryuu Akari]]
** [[Shirokuro (ranma 1/2)|]]
* [[Shampoo (Ranma 1/2)|]] / [[Shampoo (cat)]]
** [[Cologne]]
** [[Mousse]] / [[Mousse (duck) (ranma 1/2)|]]
* [[Kuonji Ukyou]]
* [[Kunou Tatewaki]]
** [[Kunou Kodachi]]
** [[Principal Kunou]]
* [[Ninomiya Hinako]]
* [[Happosai]]
* [[Pantyhose Tarou]]
* [[Gosunkugi Hikaru]]

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: Ranma ½":[]
* "MyAnimeList: Ranma ½":[]
* "Names in Ranma ½":[] - multilingual glossary of proper names in Ranma ½
Updated by birmingham Mon, Sep 19 '22, 00:59
V1 [b]Ranma ½[/b] (らんま½, Ranma Nibun-no-Ichi?, pronounced Ranma One-Half) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by [[Takahashi Rumiko]] and first published in 1987. It has an anime adaptation made in 1989. The story revolves around a 16-year old boy named Ranma Saotome who was trained from early childhood in martial arts. As a result of an accident during a training journey, he is cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water, but hot water will change him back into a boy.

Ranma ½ was extremely popular among American anime fans in the 1990s and popularized many of anime's most common visual gags. The infamous 'cursed springs' plot device has even come up in anime-themed custom role playing games as a quick transgender device.

Ranma ½ had a comedic formula and a gender-swapping main character, who often wilfully changes into a girl to advance his goals. Ranma ½ also contains many other characters, whose intricate relationships with each other, unusual characteristics and eccentric personalities drive most of the stories. Although the characters and their relationships are complicated, they rarely change once the characters are firmly introduced and settled into the series

[i]Taken from [b]Wikipedia[/b].[/i]

h4. Characters

* [[Saotome Ranma]] / [[Ranma-chan]]
** [[Saotome Genma]] / [[Saotome Genma (panda)]]
** [[Saotome Nodoka]]
* [[Tendou Akane]]
** [[Tendou Souun]]
** [[Tendou Nabiki]]
** [[Tendou Kasumi]]
*** [[Ono Tofu]]
* [[Hibiki Ryouga]] / [[P-chan]]
** [[Hibiki Yoiko]]
** [[Unryuu Akari]]
** [[Shirokuro (ranma 1/2)|]]
* [[Shampoo (ranma 1/2)|]] / [[Shampoo (cat)]]
** [[Cologne (ranma 1/2)|]]
** [[Mousse (ranma 1/2)|]] / [[Mousse (duck) (ranma 1/2)|]]
* [[Kuonji Ukyou]]
* [[Kunou Tatewaki]]
** [[Kunou Kodachi]]
** [[Principal Kunou]]
* [[Ninomiya Hinako]]
* [[Happosai]]
* [[Pantyhose Tarou]]
* [[Gosunkugi Hikaru]]

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: Ranma ½":[]
* "MyAnimeList: Ranma ½":[]
* "Names in Ranma ½":[] - multilingual glossary of proper names in Ranma ½
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54