Wiki History Listing

V1 (For "a Japanese slang word with the same pronunciation":[], see [[anus]].)

菊花紋章 ([i]kikka monshou[/i]), 菊紋 ([i]kikumon[/i]), 菊花紋 ([i]kikka-mon[/i]) or 菊の御紋 ([i]kiku no gomon[/i])

A stylized depiction of a 16 petal [[chrysanthemum]] flower, used by the Emperor of Japan and the Imperial Family. It is most notably seen on the bows of warships of the [[Imperial Japanese Navy]] and on the covers of Japanese passports. Be careful not to confuse it with the 5 petal [[sakuramon]].

For clear examples, check the [[obi]]'s of Akiha (post #15614) and Megurine Luka (post #568974), and the bottom-right side of Yuyuko's kimono (post #570756).

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia article: Imperial Seal of Japan":

h4. See also

* [[crest]]
* [[emblem]]
* [[sakuramon]]
* [[Tag Group:Image Composition]]
* "Tag Help - Traditional Japanese Patterns":/forum_topics/6723 (Danbooru Forum Discussion Thread)
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55