Wiki History Listing

V1 2016 anime about male [[figure skating]]. Produced by Studio MAPPA, directed by Yamamoto Sayo, and screenplay and original character designs by [[Kubo Mitsurou]].

h6. Main Characters
* [[Katsuki Yuuri]]
* [[Viktor Nikiforov]]
* [[Yuri Plisetsky]]

h6. International Skaters
* [[Lee Seung-gil]]
* [[Phichit Chulanont]]
* [[Ji Guang-hong]]
* [[Leo de la Iglesia]]
* [[Christophe Giacometti]]
* [[Minami Kenjirou]]
* [[Jean-Jacques Leroy]]
* [[Georgi Popovich]]
* [[Michele Crispino]]
* [[Sara Crispino]]
* [[Emil Nekola]]
* [[Otabek Altin]]
* [[Mila Babicheva]]

h6. Other Characters
* [[Makkachin]]
* [[Katsuki Hiroko]]
* [[Katsuki Toshiya]]
* [[Katsuki Mari]]
* [[Nishigoori Axel]]
* [[Nishigoori Loop]]
* [[Nishigoori Lutz]]
* [[Nishigoori Takeshi]]
* [[Nishigoori Yuuko]]
* [[Okukawa Minako]]
* [[Celestino Cialdini]]
* [[Yakov Feltsman]]
* [[Lilia Baranovskaya]]
* [[Nikolai Plisetsky]]

h4. External links
* "Official website":
* "Wikipedia entry":!!!_on_ICE (JP)
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55