Wiki History Listing
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A small elastic band used for [[tying_hair]] into [[ponytail]]s or [[tag group:hair styles|other styles]]. They are made in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Thicker hair ties covered in fabric are known as [[scrunchie]]s. h4.See also * [[adjusting_hair]] * [[scrunchie]] * [[rubber_band]] * [[Tag Group:Attire]] * [[Tag Group:Hair]] h4.External links * Wikipedia article: Updated by QuietBob Sun, May 07 '23, 14:29 |
V1 |
A small elastic band used for [[tying hair]] into [[ponytail]]s or [[tag group:hair styles|other styles]]. They are made in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Thicker hair ties covered in fabric are known as [[scrunchie]]s. h4.See also * [[adjusting hair]] * [[scrunchie]] * [[rubber band]] * [[Tag Group:Attire]] * [[Tag Group:Hair]] h4.External links * Wikipedia article: Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55 |