Wiki History Listing

V1 The [b]Entertainment Software Rating Board[/b] (ESRB) is an American organization that assigns age and content ratings to video games. It was formed in 1994 in response to criticism of games featuring violent or sexual content.

This tag refers to the [[content rating]] logos themselves. The ratings are as follows:

* [b]EC[/b]: Early Childhood. For games aimed towards younger children.
* [b]E[/b]: Everyone. For games suitable for all ages. Formerly Kids to Adults (K-A) until 1998.
* [b]E10+[/b]: Everyone 10+. For games suitable for those aged 10 or older.
* [b]T[/b]: Teen. For games suitable for those aged 13 or older.
* [b]M[/b]: Mature. For games suitable for those aged 17 or older.
* [b]AO[/b]: Adults Only. For games suitable for those aged 18 or older. A very rare rating, it is mostly applied to adult video games and is not allowed to be sold in stores or on consoles.

h4. External links

* "Official site":[]
* "Wikipedia: Entertainment_Software_Rating_Board":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55