Wiki History Listing

V1 Artifacts made due to poor [[scan|scanning]]:

* [[binding discoloration]] - The Image gets blurry as the perspective warps to either side due to the page bending
* [[bleed through]] - Visible contour of illustrations from the opposite side of the page
* [[color halftone]] - Visible printing dots, usually in a high definition scan
* [[color issue]] - The color of the image seems far from ideal, it may be low contrast between blacks and whites, over-saturation, or even the hue shifting. Can either be the result of poor or lack of editing, deterioration of the paper
* [[crease]] - Bending marks
* [[scan dust]] - Debris opacating the original illustration

h4. See also

* [[Tag group:scan]]
* [[Tag group:Image composition]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55