Wiki History Listing

V1 [b]Gossip[/b] is an act of spreading mass medium of rumor, especially about a character's personal or private affairs of other character, either to reinforce morality and accountability or to passively aggress the targeted character, [[embarrassed|embarrassing]] them in the process. Also known as [b]dishing[/b] or [b]tattling[/b].

In [[Tokimeki Memorial]], less frequently [[dating|dated]] girls will become [[angry]] and attempt to gossip to others (indicated by a [[bomb]]), severely reducing the player's reputation in the school.

h4. See also

* [[bullying]]
* [[embarrassed]], the result of being gossiped.

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Gossip":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55