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[[Stand (jojo)|]] power of [[Funny Valentine]] from [[Steel Ball Run]]. Usually abbreviated as [b]D4C[/b] due to its long name. Manifests as a white/pink humanoid with large "horns" resembling rabbit ears. [spoiler]Grants Valentine the power to travel to parallel worlds, even being able to bring people across with him. Should something or somebody from one world meet their counterpart in another, they will be both be destroyed. Valentine is immune to this effect, and can change places with a "parallel" Valentine should he come close to dying, with all memories transferring over.[/spoiler] Namesake is the song and album [i]Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap[/i] by Australian rock band AC/DC. In the English translation, the name was changed to [i]Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price[/i] to avoid copyright infringement. The Japanese transliteration of the stand's name (especially the copyright compliant version) "いともたやすく行われるえげつない行為" has become a [[neta|local meme tag]] used to refer to any mischievous acts done by a character, either with minimal effort or through blatant cheating. Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54 |