Wiki History Listing

V1 A species of [[Pokemon_(creature)|Pokémon]] introduced in [[Pokemon SV]]

Category: Terra Whale Pokémon
Type: Ice
Height: 14'9"
Weight: 1,543.2 lbs.
Ability: Thick Fat / Slush Rush

[quote]Strong Muscles and Thick Blubber
Cetitan need to have tough muscles to be able to support their immense bodies, and physical attacks using their bodies have incredible power. They also migrate around the snowy regions, protected by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

The Horn on the Upper Jaw Freezes the Surroundings
A Cetitan has five hard horns. Among them, the horn on the upper jaw is able to gather ice energy, making the surrounding temperature extremely low and freezing the area around the Pokémon. [/quote]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54