Wiki History Listing

V1 [[dungeon_and_fighter|Dungeon & Fighter]] character. Subclass of the [[priest_(dungeon_and_fighter)|male Priest]]. Also known as the Templar or Justice.

His "default appearance":[] features longer, waist-length hair tied into a ponytail, with his outfit consisting of a black tanktop with a white cross printed on it and a pair of maroon pants with black stripes. He wields white metal knuckles with gold cross-shaped studs on them.

As a "Justice":[], his hair is cut short, more resembling his base class, and has gray streaks running through it. His top is now a black shirt with a gold outline of a cross and wears gray pants, with a white jacket hanging off of his shoulders.

As a "Neo Monk":[], his outfit is a combination of his Justice hairstyle and Monk clothes. He wields an oversized, flat-faced gauntlet in his right hand.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55