Pool: Hostile Takeover


Until the dragons came, it never even occurred to Queen Saliska, Empress of the Perl Seas and Bringer of the Dawn's Light, that her mighty Elcan civilisation would fall. From the golden throne in her glittering capital city, she ruled with firm resolve and a wisdom beyond her tender years.

But all civilisations fall.

Driven by an ancient hatred of the amphibious Elcans, and fortified by their natural instinct to dominate, the armies of the young dragon warlord, Prince Pyroclast, made war upon Queen Saliska's people. They were taken wholly by surprise and, despite fighting longer and harder than ever before in their civilisation's history, the dragons eventually overwhelmed them.

Not content with victory alone, the dragon prince ordered his armies to wipe the defeated amphibians from the face of the earth. One after the other, city and village fell beneath the great black serpents, inhabitants slaughtered or driven to flee. When the last of the Elcans made a final, desperate bid to escape by sea, their vulnerable ships made easy targets for the dragons, and they were sunk one-by-one, crackling and splintering while the ruthless reptiles flew overhead and poured still more dragonflame upon their buckling hulls.

The last of her people, Queen Saliska was spared by the conquering Prince Pyroclast so she could serve as his footrest while he accepts oaths of fealty from neighbouring kings. Now she spends her every day sprawled naked before her former throne, weighed down under the royal feet of the young dragon warlord while she remembers the glory of her fallen empire.


His victory over the amphibious Elcan civilisation complete, Prince Pyroclast sets about breaking its former queen into his service. As befitting the sole survivor of a race so thoroughly stamped out by his ruthless armies, the dragon warlord gives Queen Saliska the humbling task of licking clean his royal feet. As well as feeling good, it sets an excellent example for visiting dignitaries to see how he deals with his enemies.

Crushed, humiliated and in the depths of despair, the young queen crawls onto the smugly proffered hind paw of her new dragon master and miserably submits to his wishes. She knows that the slightest hint of resistance will lead to hours of agonising punishment beneath his hot, grey soles.


"Congratulations, my QUEEN, your troops haven't been a complete walkover...", the draconian war-prince growled as he victory-marched into Saliska's throne room, the massive black battledragon encroaching upon the defeated amphibian ruler shivering in her throne, just as her den shivered under his wake. Hellish skull bending down to her ear, the beast whispered with a raspy voice "...but that part comes next."

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Having barged into the amphibian domain and ordering his draconian troops to eradicate every last Skink still alive in the city ( http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16783444 ), dragon-prince Pyroclast wastes no time in dominating the fucking daylights out of the defeated ruler! After branding his newly acquired plaything and having the former queen thoroughly lick both his back soles to spotless perfection befitting draconian royalty, the magma dragon now allows himself to slip into a long and intimate, delightful night of sexual entertainment: the fight of the queen's troops had put an aroused frenzy into the battling beast, now their queen would be used to satisfy that very pent-up urge.

Saliska on and under the other hand is learning that not even glowing hot lava-seed scorching her tongue is enough to wash the flavour of both the crushing defeat and the crushing hind paws of her former enemy out of her mouth.

Still, he will be giving her plenty of chances to try...


After having decimated Queen Saliska's armies and people and marching victoriously into her throne room (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16783444/), then proceeding to utterly enslave her and assert his mastership and complete dominance, and viciously shattering her remaining dignity (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16794241/) and finally teaching the young amphibian queen that magma dragons don't climax, but *erupt* (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16787356/), Prince Pyroclast, brutal warlord of his kind, has thrown his erstwhile enemy to the dirty floor.

And now he is trampling her absolutely senseless!

Crushing her beneath skeleton-shattering, organ-liquefying pressure of more weight than Saliska could ever fathom, the sadistic black monster is rearing up on her body, balancing with his muscle-firm arms and wings, and lifts and SLAMS, lifts and SLAMS down his genocidal, murderously clawed feet, his thooooming pawfalls echoing through the royal chambers!

Soon, the dragon prince will command his living doormat to tuck in arms, legs, and tail - because he wants to trample all over every last part of her, and compress her flesh and soul like the amphibian rubbish it is. Pyroclast is a shameless, heartless, merciless trample fetishist, and Saliska will spend the rest of her miserable life crumbling beneath his insatiable tread.


The throneroom clock strikes, marking a fifth hour spent under her conqueror's heavy black feet, and Queen Saliska summons all her remaining strength to give a writhe of protest as she hears the dragon warlord's cruel order. The last of her people... packed side-by-side and strapped down helplessly to be marched over by an army of the great ebony reptilians... it's too much for the young queen to bear.

Prince Pyroclast, seated on his captured throne, barely even feels the exhausted squirming of his royal footrest. Still, he affords her a slow, flaunting toe splay, just to make it clear that he understands her anguish. Then with a broad, predatory smile, he settles back to enjoy another few hours with her supple little body pressing into his warm, grey dragon soles.