Wiki History Listing

V1 Main character in [[Fire Emblem: Three Houses]].

He is the leader of the Golden Deer house and heir to House Riegan.

Claude is a cunning and unpredictable strategist with an easygoing attitude. Despite this, he is a lot more knowledgeable than he lets on. His schemes generally involve mind games and dirty tactics to throw his foes off. He likes feasts, long rides, archery and topics of curiosity.

[spoiler]He is also the crown prince to Almyra and was discriminated due to his mixed heritage. His dream is to break cultural barriers between Fódlan and Almyra and open Fódlan to the outside world.[/spoiler]

Related to the previous spoiler [spoiler]his real name is Khalid[/spoiler]

Voiced by:
"Joe Zieja":[] (English)
"Toyonaga Toshiyuki":[] (Japanese)
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55