Wiki History Listing

V1 [i]Nekomonogatari[/i] or [i]NEKOMONOGATARI: Cat Tale[/i] in the English publication, is the fourth part of the [[Monogatari_(series)|Monogatari series]].

Nekomonogatari arc has two volumes. The first volume titled [i]Nekomonogatari: Black[/i] received an anime adaptation produced by [i][[Shaft]][/i] in 2012, while the second volume titled [i][[nekomonogatari_white|Nekomonogatari: White]][/i] was grouped with the [i]Monogatari Series: Second Season[/i] cour as the first arc told in 2013.

h4. External links

* "Bakemonogatari Wiki: Nekomonogatari":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55