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The first natural Ultra-Rare Ironblood ship added to [i][[Azur Lane]][/i]. Character design by [[Ohisashiburi]], voiced by [[Yamamura Hibiku (seiyuu)|]]. h4. Appearance and personality [tn]See post #5018432.[/tn] [i]Ulrich von Hutten[/i] is a personification of one of the H-39 proposals, much like [[friedrich_der_grosse_(azur_lane)|Friederich der Große]], though she seems to have more of a "younger sister" look. Her appearance otherwise consists of [[black hair]] with [[yellow eyes]] with a pair of red [[horns]]. Her legs are clad in black [[thighhighs]] while she appears to be wearing a black [[jacket]]. Her rigging, much like other experimental Ironblood capital ships, is massive and has a deeply animalistic aesthetic. She also exhibits a cynical personality compared to the more nurturing Friedrich. h4. History In real-life, the H-39 (personified by UVH and FDG) was designed by Germany in the late 1930s based on intel reports of the [[Sovetsky Soyuz (Azur Lane)|]]-class battleships being built by the Soviets. The ships themselves were never named, [i]Ulrich von Hutten[/i] was only named in unofficial talks between Hitler and the German Naval High Command as a suggestion as having a "medieval persona":[] as a namesake (and therefore unrelated with the regime) would lessen the morale shock if any of the H-39s were lost in combat. h4. Skins * [[ulrich_von_hutten_(mayhem_maid)_(azur_lane)|Mayhem Maid]] h4. External links * "Wikipedia: H-class":[] Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54 |