Wiki History Listing
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JP: 鸚鵡 オウム [i]ōmu[/i] A [[bird]] in the "Psittaciformes":[] order characterized by a short, powerful hooked beak, high intelligence, social nature and talent for mimicry. Most are brightly-colored, but some, like the alpine [[kea (animal)|kea]], have quite dull plumage. Parrots have zygodactyl feet in which two toes point backward and two forward. h4. See also * [[Cockatiel]] * [[Cockatoo]] * [[Kakapo]] * [[Kea (animal)]] * [[Lovebird]] * [[Macaw]] * [[Parakeet]] * [[Tag Group:Birds]] Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55 |