Wiki History Listing
V7 |
A post containing written text in any language. Don't use for trivial or incidental uses of text, such as [[artist_name]]s or [[signature]]s, [[web_address]]es, website logos, [[watermark]]s, etc. If text is present, also tag the language in which the text is written. If the language in which the text is written is not English, is an existing language (not a fantasy language or gibberish), and the post is not already translated, add [[translation_request]]. If the post has already been translated from another language, add [[translated]]. Updated by Irrixiatdowne Sun, Apr 23 '23, 04:14 |
V6 |
A post containing written text in any language. Don't use for trivial or incidental uses of text, such as [[artist_name]]s or [[signature]]s, [[web_address]]es, website logos, [[watermark]]s, etc. If text is present, also tag the language in which the text is written. * [[Tag group:Text]] If the language in which the text is written is not English, is an existing language (not a fantasy language or gibberish), and the post is not already translated, add [[translation_request]]. If the post has already been translated from another language, add [[translated]]. Updated by QuietBob Sat, Apr 22 '23, 18:17 |
V5 |
A post containing text written in any language. Don't use for trivial or incidental uses of text, such as [[artist_name]]s or [[signature]]s, [[web_address]]es, website logos, [[watermark]]s, etc. If text is present, also tag the language in which the text is written. * [[Tag group:Text]] If the language in which the text is written is not English, is an existing language (not a fantasy language or gibberish), and the post is not already translated, add [[translation_request]]. If the post has already been translated from another language, add [[translated]]. Updated by QuietBob Sat, Apr 22 '23, 18:14 |
V4 |
A post containing text written in any language. Don't use for trivial or incidental uses of text, such as [[artist_name]]s or [[signature]]s, [[web_address]]es, website logos, [[watermark]]s, etc. If text is present, also tag the language in which the text is written. * [[Tag group:Text]] If the language in which the text is written is not English or your native language, is an existing language (not a fantasy language or gibberish), and the post is not already translated, add [[translation_request]]. If the post has already been translated from another language, add [[translated]]. Updated by QuietBob Sat, Apr 22 '23, 18:09 |
V3 |
A post containing text written in any language. Don't use for trivial or incidental uses of text, such as [[artist_name]]s or [[signature]]s, [[web_address]]es, website logos, [[watermark]]s, etc. If text is present, also tag the language in which the text is written. * [[english_text]] * [[spanish_text]] * [[japanese_text]] * [[russian_text]] * [[german_text]] * etc. If the language in which the text is written is not English or your native language, is an existing language (not a fantasy language or gibberish), and the post is not already translated, add [[translation_request]]. If the post has already been translated from another language, add [[translated]]. Updated by QuietBob Sat, Apr 22 '23, 18:08 |
V2 |
A post containing text written in any language. Don't use for trivial or incidental uses of text, such as [[artist_name]]s or [[signature]]s, [[web_address]]es, website logos, [[watermark]]s, etc. If text is present, also tag the language in which the text is written. * [[english_text]] * [[spanish_text]] * [[japanese_text]] * [[russian_text]] * [[german_text]] etc. If the language in which the text is written is not English or your native language, is an existing language (not a fantasy language or gibberish), and the post is not already translated, add [[translation_request]]. If the post is already translated from another language, add [[translated]]. Updated by QuietBob Sat, Apr 22 '23, 18:07 |
V1 |
Do not use this tag. The mere fact that text is visible is not tagged on Danbooru. See [[Tag group:text]] for a list of other tags that may be used instead. Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55 |