Wiki History Listing

V1 A type of art style popular during the early 20th century, approximately from 1920 to 1940. It is characterized by an elegant, simplistic and uncluttered style composed of straight lines, sharp edges, and fully circular curves. The style of Art Deco must be seen in comparison to its predecessor, [[Art Nouveau]]. Whereas Art Nouveau used swirly, organic designs marked by elaborate details, Art Deco sought to remove any unnecessary details and create a clean, functionalistic design. However, the boundary between Art Nouveau and Art Deco can get hazy at times.

h4.See also

* [[architecture]]
* [[Christ the Redeemer]]
* [[Chrysler building]]
* [[dieselpunk]]
* [[metropolis_(fritz_lang)|Metropolis (1927)]]
* [[sunburst]]

h4. External links
* "Art Deco on Wikipedia":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56