Wiki History Listing

V1 Picture shows that a clock is present. Use [[clockshow]] to refer to the [[television]] clock in the corner of a [[anime screencap]].

h4. Types
* [[Alarm clock]]
* [[Astronomical clock]]
* [[Clock tower]]
* [[Cuckoo clock]]
* [[Flip clock]]
* [[Grandfather clock]]
* [[Sundial]]
* [[Time clock]]
* [[Wadokei]]
* [[Watch]]
** [[Pocket watch]]
** [[Pendant watch]]
** [[Stopwatch]]
** [[Wristwatch]]

h4. Kinds
* [[Analog clock]]
* [[Digital clock]]
* [[Pendulum clock]]
* [[Wall clock]]

h4. Display format
* [[Clockshow]]
* [[Roman Numeral]]
* [[Segment display]]
* [[Dot-matrix]]

h4. See also
* [[Clockwork]]
* [[Time machine]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54