Wiki History Listing

V1 Mudra are symbolic or ritualistic gestures in Hinduism and Buddhism that typically involve the hands.

Japanese [[onmyouji]] are commonly portrayed using mudra when casting spells of various sorts, especially the [[kuji-in]], or nine seals, which are often accompanied by the mantra "rin pyo tou sha kai jin retsu sai zen."

h4. Types

* [[abhaya mudra]]
* [[bhumisparsha mudra]]
* [[bodhyangi mudra]]
* [[dhyana mudra]]
* [[karana mudra]]
* [[mida no jouin mudra]]
* [[vajra mudra]]
* [[vitarka mudra]]

h4. See also

* [[Tag group:Gestures]]

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Mudra":[]
* "Wikipedia: Kuji-in":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56