Now Viewing: yaruo
Tag type: Character
Originally an ASCII art character from 2ch, but now has been immortalized in fanarts too. Looks like :3 + o_o.
He is sort of like an actor who starred in a wide variety of "Yaruo-threads(やる夫スレ)". It is a type of online story / fanfic / novel threads on 2ch. His role varies according to the story he starred in. If you want to get an understanding of Yaruo fanart, you need to know what kind of story he's starring in.
h4.Yaruo's subspecies / friends / co-stars
* yaranaio
* yarumi
h4.See also
* maso_(ascii_art)|Maso's 2ch Ascii Art Illustrations:
* Wikipedia article (JP): "やる夫"
* Yaruo Wikia (JP):
* Pixiv Encyclopedia article of Yaruo-threads: "やる夫スレ"
* NicoSeiga tag search: "やる夫"
* Nicopedia article:
Other Wiki Information
Last updated: Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56
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