Wiki History Listing

V1 A [i][[Kemono Friends]][/i] character. She is one of many "Friends" in Japari Park.

The jaguar ([i]Panthera onca[/i]) is the only species of large cat native to the Americas. It's in fact the third-largest species of cat (behind the tiger and the lion).

Jaguar (the Friend) wears a variant of the small cat's outfit despite her size. She was given the catchphrase "Wakaran" ("I don't know" or "I don't get it" depending of the context) by the fans after saying the phrase in episode 2 of season 1 anime. Since then, fans have been putting her in as much out-of-context situations for her, eliciting this response and it's alternate version: "Zenzen wakaran" ("I don't understand at all").
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56