Wiki History Listing

V1 Used when a character is [[singing]] or carefree. Can also be used to cover musical notes in the background or on objects. Covers all musical notation symbols beyond just notes.

h4. Tagged notes (beamed, rest and dotted)
* [[whole note]] (𝅝)
** [[whole rest]] (𝄻)
* [[half note]] (𝅗𝅥)
** [[half rest]] (𝄼)
** [[dotted half note]]
* [[quarter note]] (♩)
** [[quarter rest]] (𝄽)
** [[dotted quarter note]]
* [[eighth note]] (♪)
** [[beamed eighth notes]] (♫)
** [[eighth rest]] (𝄾)
** [[dotted eighth note]]
* [[sixteenth note]] (𝅘𝅥𝅯)
** [[beamed sixteenth notes]] (♬)
** [[sixteenth rest]] (𝄿)
** [[dotted sixteenth note]]
* [[thirty-second note]]
** [[beamed thirty-second notes]]
** [[thirty-second rest]]
** [[dotted thirty-second note]]
* [[sixty-fourth note]]
** [[beamed sixty-fourth notes]] (two or more 64th notes)
* [[ghost note]] (a note of any length with no discernable pitch)
* [[grace note]]

[b]Although there are notes beyond the 64th note, it isn't necessary to tag them here.[/b]

h4. Tagged other musical notation

* [[flat sign]] (♭, one semitone lower pitch)
* [[double flat sign]] (two semitones lower pitch)
* [[natural sign]] (♮, cancels previous accidental)
* [[sharp sign]] (♯, one semitone higher pitch)

h6.Articulation marks
* [[accent mark]]
* [[fermata]] (𝄐)
* [[marcato (music)|marcato]]
* [[staccato]]
* [[tenuto]]

* [[bass clef]] (𝄢)
* [[treble clef]] (𝄞)

* [[forte (symbol)|forte]]
* [[fortissimo]]

* [[coda sign]]
* [[segno sign]]
* [[sheet music]]
* [[simile mark]]
* [[staff (music)|staff]]
* [[time signature]]

h4.See also

* [[musical note hair ornament]]
* [[spoken musical note]]
* [[Tag Group:Symbols]]

h4.External links

* "Wikipedia: Musical note":[]
* "Wikipedia: Accidental (music)":[]
* "Wikipedia: Articulation (music)":[]
* "Wikipedia: Clef":[]
* "Wikipedia: Dynamics (music)":[]
* "Wikipedia: List of Musical Symbols":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54