Wiki History Listing

V1 Most characters on danbooru have eyebrows. Use a better tag for unusual eyebrows instead, such as:

* [[eyebrows hidden by hair]]
* [[hikimayu]], shaving off the eyebrows and painting new ones.
* [[raised eyebrows]]
* [[forked eyebrows]], for eyebrows that are split at the outer ends.
* [[short eyebrows]], eyebrows that only partially covers the brow ridges.
* [[thick eyebrows]], for unusually thick cases.
* [[furrowed brow]], when the skin around the eyebrows becomes creased.
* [[v-shaped_eyebrows]], slanted inwards, forming a V shape.
* [[unibrow]]
* [[eyebrow piercing]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54