Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Pokemon]] #696 in the National PokéDex, a dual-type Rock/Dragon Fossil Pokémon.

It is resurrected from a Jaw Fossil and evolves into [[Tyrantrum]] when leveled up during the day starting at level 39.

Tyrunt are dinosaurian Pokémon, closely resembling theropods such as [i]Tyrannosaurus[/i]. Their bodies are grayish-brown, with a lighter gray shade on their bellies and lower jaw. The back comes to a peaked hump, and the tail is short and pointed. They have tiny forelimbs with only two clawed digits, both white.

Japanese Name: [b]Chigoras[/b]

Prior Pokémon: [[Heliolisk]]
Next Pokémon: [[Tyrantrum]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56