Wiki History Listing

V1 Archer-class Servant first debuted in [[Fate/Grand Order]] during the Lostbelt arc. The depiction of the [[napoleon bonaparte|famous military leader]] of the same name.

Napoleon's appearance is different from his self in history. His third ascension outfit seems to be based on the romantic oil painting Napoléon Crossing the Alps done by Jacques-Louis David in 1801. It is stated that if he was summoned as a Rider, his height would decrease.

A tall, muscular man with [[brown hair]], [[blue eyes]], and facial hair in the style of [[goatee]] and [[long sideburns]]. Usually depicted in [[bara]] style with an [[open jacket|open]] [[leather jacket]] and [[epaulettes]] (with [[fringe trim]] and [[long sleeves]]) on top of an [[open shirt]] that shows off his [[pectorals]] and [[cross scar|cross scarred]] [[scar on chest| chest]]. When his jacket is not [[partially unbuttoned]] he usually wears his [[military uniform]] with a [[sash]], [[medal]], [[ascot]], [[belt]], [[tight]] [[white pants]], and [[leather boots|leather]] [[knee boots]]).
He wields a [[huge weapon|huge]] [[cannon]] that shoots a [[rainbow]].

A legend says that during his campaign in Egypt, he spent a night inside the Great Pyramid and had a vision of his most admired hero, Alexander the Great ([[Iskandar (fate)|]]). This fact is included in one of Napoleon's in-game lines and has inspired fans to depict them as a [[couple]], especially since both have great charisma and historical connections.
They have a Pixiv tag dedicated for this pairing ("ナポレオン/イスカンダル":[ナポレオン%2Fイスカンダル/artworks]).

[[Ryota-H]] is the character illustrator for Napoleon Bonaparte.


* [[napoleon bonaparte (ladies & gentlemen) (fate)|Ladies & Gentlemen]]
* [[napoleon bonaparte (welcome to the travelling circus!) (fate)|Welcome to the Travelling Circus!]]
* A [[black vest]] outfit based on [[Ryota-H]]'s illustration with Iskandar (post #3947937)

h4. External links

* "Type-Moon Wiki: Archer (Fate/Grand Order - Napoleon)":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54