Wiki History Listing

V1 Eyeglasses or spectacles, "megane" in Japanese.

These lenses are normally worn for visual correction, such as reading or seeing things from a distance, or eye protection.

Not to be confused with the drinking vessel. For that, use [[drinking glass]].

h4. See also

* [[bespectacled]] (for characters who don't normally wear glasses)
* [[coke-bottle glasses]]
* [[eyewear removed]]
** [[eyewear hang]]
* [[eyewear strap]]
* [[funny glasses]]
* [[looking for glasses]]
* [[opaque glasses]]
* [[rimless eyewear]]
* [[semi-rimless eyewear]]
* [[Tag group:Eyewear]]

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Glasses":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54