Wiki History Listing

V1 A uniform from Starfleet, from the [[Star Trek]] universe. There are actually variations per series/film in the franchise.

h5. [i]The Original Series[/i] (includes the Mirror Universe)
[tn]See post #4633403, left side.[/tn]

In the TOS, set in the 2250s to the early 2270s, the standard duty uniform consists of a [[long sleeves|long-sleeved]] [[tunic]] with rank insignia sleeve stripes, color-coded by division (gold = command, red = operations, blue = sciences/medics), black [[undershirt]]s, black pants, and black [[boots]]. Captains wore a green-yellow wraparound tunic similar to East Asian clothing. Female uniforms were of a single tunic/[[miniskirt]] combo with [[pantyhose]].

[tn]See post #5449483 for Mirror Universe.[/tn]

In the episode [i]Mirror, Mirror[/i], the Terran Empire uniform is similar, replacing the Starfleet delta insignia with the sword-and-globe imperial insignia and adding a gold [[sash]] belt. Female uniforms consisted of a [[tank top]], black [[midriff]] undershirt, [[miniskirt]], and [[thighhighs|thighhigh]] boots.

h5. [i]The Next Generation[/i]
[tn]See post #1121461.[/tn]

The TNG, set in the 2350s, has a different version of the uniform: a black [[jumpsuit]] with the assigned color of division in front (red = command, gold = operations, blue = sciences), Starfleet insignia on the left breast side, rank insignia on the right [[collar]].

h5. J.J. Abrams' [i]Kelvin Timeline[/i] films
[tn]See post #4633403, right side.[/tn]

Similar to the TOS but updated to have solid rank sleeve stripes and darker color shades.

h4. External links
* "Memory Alpha/Star Trek Wikia article":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54