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h4. Biography [b]Melissa Kinrenka[/b] (メリッサ・キンレンカ) was one of [[Nijisanji]]'s [[virtual youtuber|virtual youtubers]]. They debuted alongside [[Furen E Lustario]] and [[Ibrahim (nijisanji)|]]. They dreamed of becoming the "bridge" between the virtual world and the real world. h4. Profile [table] [body] [tr] [td]Debut Date:[/td] [td]February 1, 2020[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Retirement Date:[/td] [td]June 1, 2022[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Gender:[/td] [td]Nonbinary[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Birthday:[/td] [td]May 11[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Age:[/td] [td]Unknown[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Height:[/td] [td]158cm, 161cm (with heels)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Designer:[/td] [td]Unknown[/td] [/tr] [/body] [/table] h4. Appearance They have light [[green eyes]]. Their hair is [[very long hair|very long]] and colorful, consisting of [[white hair|white]], [[green hair|green]], [[blonde hair|yellow]], [[black hair|black]], and [[red hair|red]]. Although it's typically tied into [[twintails]], it isn't always. [expand=Typical Outfits] Their typical outfit (post #3770437) is complex. While their shirt is [[white shirt|white]], it has what can only be described as a [[black dress]] covering parts of it. They have black [[short shorts]]. A [[black jacket]] hangs off of their arms and is rarely worn properly. Their shoes are black [[boots]]. A white [[single strap]] is slightly visible that is presumably attached to the shirt. From a glance, their shirt can easily be mistaken as being [[sleeveless]], a mistake many artist make. [/expand] h5. Alternate Outfits [expand=50k Subscribers] When they reached 50,000 subscribers on YouTube, a new, much more simplistic outfit was featured. It's a [[grey hoodie]] with black [[striped sleeves|vertical stripes]] on their sleeves. A [[green trim]] is featured on the bottom of it and the inner-color is [[pink hoodie|magenta]]. Their [[pants]] are somewhat [[baggy]]. Half of them are [[grey pants|grey]], while the other half is [[black pants|black]]. Orange and green [[strap]]s wrap around either leg asymmetrically. This outfit features a black [[choker]] and [[white footwear|white shoes]] with [[orange legwear|orange socks]]. They wear two hairstyles with this outfit: a [[short hair|short]] style and a much [[very long hair|longer]] style worn [[hair down|down]]. [/expand] h4. External Links * Twitter: "@melissa_2434":[] (Deleted) ** Fan Hashtag: "#蜜ぎ隊":[] ** Stream Hashtag: "#メリータイム":[] ** Art Hashtag: "#絵リッサ":[] *** NSFW Art Hashtag: "#禁錬画":[] * YouTube: "メリッサ・キンレンカ":[] * Pixiv Encyclopedia: "メリッサ・キンレンカ":[] Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54 |