Wiki History Listing

V1 Clothing worn under the bustline, lifting or accentuating the [[breasts]]. The top edge of the outer garment should ideally rest just underneath the bust.

Some clothing styles that incorporate this feature are [[maid]] uniforms, [[waitress]] uniforms (particularly from the [[Anna Miller]] and [[Kobeya]] restaurant chains), the [[dirndl]], most [[corset]]s, and the [[virgin killer outfit]].

For clothing that encloses all sides of the bust, use [[framed breasts]].

h4. See also

* [[corset]]
* [[dirndl]]
* [[framed breasts]]
* [[high-waist skirt]]
* [[maid]]
* [[virgin killer outfit]]
* [[waitress]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54