Now Viewing: friendship_is_magic

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A TV series that is part of the My_Little_Pony franchise, mainly focusing on friendship and giving the ponies distinct personalities. It was designed to appeal to a broader audience by avoiding the usual trends of shows intended for children and girls, and occasionally has jokes that younger viewers would not understand. Because of this, the show has gained a large fanbase of teenagers and adults, and the crew of the show sometimes inserts jokes or references to these fans.

h4. Characters

* Angel (My Little Pony)|Angel
* Apple Bloom
* Applejack
* Big Macintosh
* BonBon (My Little Pony)|BonBon
* Celestia (My Little Pony)|Celestia
* Derpy Hooves
* Diamond Tiara
* Discord (My Little Pony)|Discord
* Fluttershy
* Luna (My Little Pony)|Luna
* Lyra Heartstrings
* Nightmare Moon
* Octavia Melody
* Pinkie Pie
* Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence)
* Queen Chrysalis
* Rainbow Dash
* Rarity
* Shining Armor
* Silver Spoon
* Spike (My Little Pony)|Spike
* Trixie Lulamoon|Trixie Lulamoon
* Twilight Sparkle

h4. Spinoffs
* equestria_girls

h4. See also

* cutie_mark
* My_Little_Pony

h4. External links

* Wikipedia:

Other Wiki Information

Last updated: Mon, Dec 26 '22, 07:23 by My_I
This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit.

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alt=" absurd_res bat_pony blood blue_hair blue_tongue bodily_fluids cutie_mark duo earth_pony equid equine fan_character fangs female feral friendship_is_magic green_eyes grey_body grey_hair hair hasbro heart_eyes heart_symbol hi_res horse itsspoopsb limestone_pie_(mlp) male mammal membrane_(anatomy) membranous_wings multicolored_hair my_little_pony nosebleed pink_body pink_hair pony purple_eyes sweetie_swirl_(twilybutt) teeth tongue white_hair wings " border="0" title=" absurd_res bat_pony blood blue_hair blue_tongue bodily_fluids cutie_mark duo earth_pony equid equine fan_character fangs female feral friendship_is_magic green_eyes grey_body grey_hair hair hasbro heart_eyes heart_symbol hi_res horse itsspoopsb limestone_pie_(mlp) male mammal membrane_(anatomy) membranous_wings multicolored_hair my_little_pony nosebleed pink_body pink_hair pony purple_eyes sweetie_swirl_(twilybutt) teeth tongue white_hair wings score: rating:safe" class="preview"/>
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alt=" absurd_res armor clothed clothed_feral clothing dialogue duo empty_speech_bubble english_text equid equine female feral feral_armor friendship_is_magic fur furgonomics group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse lidded_eyes male mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pegasus pony purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair silhouette sinful_pie speech_bubble text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn wings " border="0" title=" absurd_res armor clothed clothed_feral clothing dialogue duo empty_speech_bubble english_text equid equine female feral feral_armor friendship_is_magic fur furgonomics group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse lidded_eyes male mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pegasus pony purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair silhouette sinful_pie speech_bubble text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn wings score: rating:safe" class="preview"/>
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alt=" absurd_res armor clothed clothed_feral clothing dialogue empty_speech_bubble english_text equid equine female feral feral_armor friendship_is_magic fur furgonomics group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse lidded_eyes male mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pony purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair sinful_pie speech_bubble text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn " border="0" title=" absurd_res armor clothed clothed_feral clothing dialogue empty_speech_bubble english_text equid equine female feral feral_armor friendship_is_magic fur furgonomics group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse lidded_eyes male mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pony purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair sinful_pie speech_bubble text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn score: rating:safe" class="preview"/>
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alt=" absurd_res ambiguous_gender clenched_eyes closed_eyes dialogue duo_focus english_text equid equine female feral friendship_is_magic fur group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pony princess_celestia_(mlp) purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair silhouette sinful_pie text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn " border="0" title=" absurd_res ambiguous_gender clenched_eyes closed_eyes dialogue duo_focus english_text equid equine female feral friendship_is_magic fur group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pony princess_celestia_(mlp) purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair silhouette sinful_pie text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn score: rating:safe" class="preview"/>
Warning: Undefined variable $webmLink in /home/bbooru/public_html/includes/wiki/wiki_view.php on line 88
alt=" absurd_res dialogue diamond_tiara_(mlp) english_text equid equine female feral friendship_is_magic frustrated fur group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse lidded_eyes male mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pony purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair silver_spoon_(mlp) sinful_pie solo_focus text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn " border="0" title=" absurd_res dialogue diamond_tiara_(mlp) english_text equid equine female feral friendship_is_magic frustrated fur group hair hasbro hi_res horn horse lidded_eyes male mammal my_little_pony mythological_creature mythological_equine mythology pony purple_body purple_eyes purple_fur purple_hair silver_spoon_(mlp) sinful_pie solo_focus text tired twilight_sparkle_(mlp) unicorn score: rating:safe" class="preview"/>
Warning: Undefined variable $webmLink in /home/bbooru/public_html/includes/wiki/wiki_view.php on line 88
alt=" absurd_res colored_pencil edgarkingmaker etsy female fluttershy_(mlp) friendship_is_magic hasbro hi_res my_little_pony " border="0" title=" absurd_res colored_pencil edgarkingmaker etsy female fluttershy_(mlp) friendship_is_magic hasbro hi_res my_little_pony score: rating:safe" class="preview"/>

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