Wiki History Listing

V1 Panties that are visible beneath one's own pantyhose.

Note that this tag should generally [b]not[/b] be used in cases where the panties are only partially covered by pantyhose, such as in post #792837.

The equivalent pixiv tags are タイツ越しのパンツ, ストッキング越しのパンツ, and パンスト越しのパンツ. The terms have slight differences, but can be summarized as:
ストッキング ("stockings"): generic term for any kind of stockings or pantyhose.
パンスト ("panty-stocking"): original term for sheer pantyhose and associated with OLs and flesh-tone pantyhose. The term is somewhat dated and not really used by young women anymore.
タイツ ("tights"): essentially dark or slightly thicker pantyhose. Nowadays the most popular variant and also widely the modern term for "pantyhose".

h4. See also

* [[panties over pantyhose]]
* [[thighhighs under pantyhose]]
* [[thighhighs over pantyhose]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54