Wiki History Listing

V1 When a character is subjected to having one or multiple parts of their body expanded. May lead to [[hyper]] situations if they get out of hand.

For when the character's whole body is growing, use [[body_size_growth]] instead. Use both that tag and this one if at least one part is growing faster than the rest (e.g. a character's breasts get much bigger the taller the character grows).

[b]Types of expansion[/b]
* [[anus_expansion]]
* [[belly_expansion]]
* [[breast_expansion]]
* [[ass_expansion]]
* [[ear_expansion]]
* [[foot_expansion]]
* [[genital_expansion]]
** [[ball_expansion]]
** [[clitoris_expansion]]
** [[penis_expansion]]
** [[pussy_expansion]]
** [[sheath_expansion]]
* [[hair_expansion]]
* [[hip_expansion]]
* [[horn_expansion]]
* [[lip_expansion]]
* [[neck_expansion]]
* [[nipple_expansion]]
* [[tail_expansion]]
* [[thigh_expansion]]
* [[tongue_expansion]]
* [[udder_expansion]]

h4. See also

* [[body_size_growth]]
* [[growth]]
* [[shrinking]]
* [[inflation]]

Updated by TitanRax20 Tue, Aug 08 '23, 16:59