Now Viewing: penis_in_thighhighs

Tag type: General

Def 1)

A method of dressing, in which the head of a penis is tucked into a pair of thighhighs. Given that the penis needs to be long enough to reach the thigh this tag is often associated with characters with longer penises. Characters dressed for this tag can either be in full outfits or in just thighhighs. When clothed characters will usually either wear shorts or skirts so as to not obscure the thighhighs or penis.
No matter what they end up wearing, most depictions leave a good portion of the shaft of the penis on display while only covering the head.

Also see:

Def 2)
The act of sticking ones penis into a thighhigh and rubbing it against the thigh inside.

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Last updated: Tue, Aug 29 '23, 05:05 by Johnnx
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