Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Azur Lane]]'s personification of the Italian Navy Soldati-class destroyer, [i]Carabiniere[/i].
Character design by [[Kaede (Yumesaki Kaede)|]], voiced by [[Tachibana Rika]].

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #3655012.[/tn]

In-game, she wears the historic [i]Arma dei Carabinieri[/i]'s black-colored [[military uniform]] with its distinctive feathered [[bicorne]], [[black cape]], silver [[epaulettes]], and [[white gloves]]. She also wears black [[knee boots]] with [[paravane|paravanes]] attached to them, a [[single thighhigh]] with a [[garter straps|garter strap]], as well as a [[white belt]] with a [[saber (weapon)|]] attached to it. Her rig consists of a 533 mm triple torpedo mount on her left and a 120 mm twin gun mount on her right, with the monogram "IR" (meaning "Italian Republic") etched on one of the joints below the gun mount.

She is also shown wielding a [[musket]].

Her physical attributes are her [[short hair|short]] [[blonde hair]] and [[purple eyes]].

h4. History
In real life, [i]Carabiniere[/i] was the seventh member of the Soldati-class, launched and completed in 1938. She saw service in the battles of Calabria and Cape Matapan, ultimately surviving the armistice and the war. She was among the destroyers retained by the post-war Italian Navy, who refitted her as an anti-submarine destroyer (pennant D551) before being decommissioned in 1965.

h4. Skins

* [[carabiniere_(refreshing_sundress)_(azur_lane)|Refreshing Sundress]]

h4. External link
* "Wikipedia: Italian destroyer [i]Carabiniere[/i]":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54